Friday 27 February 2009

Grape Hyacinths in a Pitt pot

Muscari latifolium, to be more precise, in one of the 'volcano' pots that John Pitt came out with a year or so ago. I think he still does them, but I haven't checked lately.

I owe the Pitt-man (John have you ever had Pitt-bull jokes?) photos, so here y'go. I know it's not fantastic but at least I cleaned the pot, OK. Green slime on white glaze is so not appetizing.

This plant has very dark purple (veering towards magenta) flowers that come out in very tight clusters. The only trouble is that the whole thing eventually grows to the size of prize-winning leeks. So the actual window in which the plant + flowers + pot are in harmony is probably 3 hours. Kidding. Anyway, by the time I get back from Lorca, the whole thing will probably be past it.

Another large-ish accent planting, this one is currently at the 6 in / 15 cm mark and still growing. Whether it will ever get exhibited is all a question of timing (that 3 hour window, y'know, har har).

The flowers are just starting to peek out, so if they become any more photogenic this weekend, I'll re-post a better photo.

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